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Long time reddit lurker. Created this account just for nofap. Lost my wife 2.5 years ago after giving birth to our amazing daughter. I'm struggling so hard to be a good Dad and have phenomenal help from my parents but it comes with so much stress and anxiety and feeling of failure.
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I used to find myself always in the mood to get high, buy a bag, roll it and as soon as I lit the spliff, I'd instantly turn into a paranoid, anxious mess and tell myself that I'd never touch weed again. Fapstronauts! Thoughts on marijuana? : NoFap - reddit But nofap has given me the drive to take control of my urges instead of letting them control me, so that's why I am going to make a run at quitting my daily habit. Hopefully after abstaining for a few months I can get to a place where I smoke once a week or so, because god damn it I still love weed.